Tag: online learning

Digital competences
In the DigiTeachers training teachers´ competences were assessed and identified with Open Badges
Digital competences

In the DigiTeachers training teachers´ competences were assessed and identified with Open Badges

In DigiTeachers Working Online pilot training European teachers were provided with digital skills and tools to be used in teaching. Training consisted of three modules, and each module´s skills were evaluated. When a module was passed, an Open Badge was issued.

Merja Sjöblom
Merja Sjöblom
Digital competences
In the Digi Teachers piloting training, European teachers are being provided with digital skills and tools for teaching
Digital competences

In the Digi Teachers piloting training, European teachers are being provided with digital skills and tools for teaching

Digi Teachers Working Online project has progressed to the piloting phase, and the first version of the website has been published. In a five-country Erasmus+ collaboration project, the aim is to enhance the capabilities of teachers and instructors working with learners with special needs to implement online and hybrid teaching.

Hanna Vuohelainen
Hanna Vuohelainen
Digital competences
The EDIFY-EDU project is devising an open learning environment fostering EDI competencies
Digital competences

The EDIFY-EDU project is devising an open learning environment fostering EDI competencies

The EDIFY-EDU project responds to shifting work life needs by developing equality, diversity, and inclusion competences of business managers and management students. An online seminar in September showcases good practices from various European countries and addresses future competence needs.

Hanna Vuohelainen
Hanna Vuohelainen
Digi Teachers Working Online

Digi Teachers Working Online

The Digi Teachers project helps VET teaching staff improve their digital skills and competences with a strong link to pedagogy. Teachers enhance their capacity to implement online education, support their students’ digital skills and network with European colleagues engaged in special education.

Together on the net – hybrid teaching from a study circle approach

Together on the net – hybrid teaching from a study circle approach

Together on the net offers professional training courses on hybrid learning as a teaching method.