Let’s Get Data Moving in Finland – stakeholder engagement for national API-policy

Let’s Get Data Moving in Finland – stakeholder engagement for national API-policy

TIEKE supported The Ministry of Finance in 2021 in engaging a wide variety of stakeholders to work on a national policy of API standards and usage.

The ensure smooth movement of data between organisaions, Finland requires more unity in interface development. During 2021, TIEKE was responsible for engaging stakeholders in a project defining and implementing national guidelines for API-development and usage. The aim was to activate private and public sector organisations to form a network whose representatives are committed to developing, maintaining and using interfaces in line with the future policies.

API policies promote modern governance and interoperability 

API policies will be applied in public data system procurement and interface development. They will serve as a long-term frame of reference for interface development.  
The policies will contribute to the development of public administration interfaces to guarantee:

  • customer orientation and collaboration 
  • interoperability and reusability 
  • quality  

The interface policies therefore do not only support the promotion of technical interoperability. The aim is to make more extensive and effective use of data between different organisations.

The preparation of the policies is part of the government project on the opening up and use of public data