Surveys and witnessed practices have revealed that in Finland and Europe at large, many small and medium-sized businesses still require additional information and support in enhancing their data protection.
This project, a collaboration between TIEKE and the Finnish Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman, armed SMEs with the knowledge and tools to reach a data protection standard set by the European Union General Data Protection Regulation.
How we did it
The project commenced in 2021 with launching an extensive survey for SMEs exploring their knowledge and ability to maintain GDPR standards.
The results of the survey stage were utilised as a baseline for collaborative GDPR practice development with SMEs.
The outcome of the development process is a toolkit for SMEs that they can easily employ to enhance their data privacy practices.
The benefits of improving SME GDPR standards
In addition to better data safety of employees, customers and collaborative partners, the project had a wider scope.
Appropriate data protection practices build better trust to do business, in both B2B and B2C sectors. Our project provides the smaller company with better opportunities to reach digital and international markets, especially the European Single Market.
The DSM in GDPRDSM stands for the European Digital Single Market. Fundamentally, developing the DSM requires removing obstacles to online business on the national level.
Piloting in Finland, the tools and practices devised can smoothly be applied to data privacy work elsewhere in the EU.
Data protection tool incorporated into a larger databank of materials
The data protection self-assessment tool has been published on a website that includes, in addition to the tool, other materials intended for the use of small- and medium-sized companies.
The tool has also been translated into Swedish and English, which means that it can be used in other EU Member States, too.
Data protection self-assessment released as open source
The source code and contents of the Data protection tool have been published for free use on GitHub. The tool can be used, for example, to further develop a business- or industry-specific data protection tool or to produce new language versions. The license allows source code to be utilized in commercial applications as well.
- A two-year project November 2020 – November 2022: The GDPR opens doors to the Digital Single Market with key online tools for SMEs and support for capitalising on opportunities.
- The project was funded by the European Union’s Fundamental Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC 2014 – 2020).
- The Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman served as the coordinator, with TIEKE Finnish Information Society Development Centre as the project partner. Innovation Manager Finland assisted in project preparation.
For more information contact:
- Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman, Meeri Blomberg,, tel. +358 29 5666 755
- TIEKE Finnish Information Society Development Centre, Timo Simell,, tel. +358 43 820 0952

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