Let’s make competence-based learning a reality

Let’s make competence-based learning a reality

In this training participants develop their educational institute towards a competence-based method. During the training both management, administration and teaching staff are taken into account.

In this training participants develop their educational institute towards a competence-based method. During the training both management, administration and teaching staff (permanent and part-time) are taken into account.

The educational institute goes first, and only 20 institutions are accepted to this training. We hope to have at least participants from each institution participating in this training.

The training has three modules

  • Strategic guidelines for competence-based learning
  • Competence based courses
  • Let’s succeed together while developing competence-based learning

Target group: non-formal education

Duration: The training will be implemented from May 2022 to December 2023.

Project partners
Logo of Finnish National Agency for Education
The project is funded by the Finnish National Agency for Education