Open Badges for Circular Economy

Open Badges for Circular Economy

In The Open Badges for Circular Economy project, we develop and pilot a digital open badge constellation to identify and make visible circular economy expertise needed in working life.

Open Badges for Circular Economy serve especially employers who are reforming their organisation towards circular economy and, therefore, increasing the circular economy competences. Digital Open Badges provide comprehensive knowledge of the current state and development needs of the organisation’s circular economy expertise.

Employees of organisations as well as job seekers benefit from the Open Badge constellation as well. With the help of Open Badges, it is easier to identify and verify their circular economy competences and make them visible in the way they want.

The Open Badge constellation also supports the development of circular economy knowledge as the organisation and badge receivers can see the areas that need developing. This makes it easier to invest resources in the right kind of training.

Project phases

Open Badges for Circular Economy -project is carried out in two phases:

  1. Review: Circular economy competences and comparison of Open Badge platforms
  2. Implementation: Development and piloting of the Open Badge constellation

During the review phase, key industry-independent skills related to circular economy know-how are mapped, taking into account the most important frameworks.  In addition, the review phase analyses existing open badge platforms and service providers comparing the key features of those.

As a result, we will form an overall picture of the circular economy competences needed in working life and a framework for the content of the Open Badge constellation. In addition, the review results in an up-to-date comparison of open badge platforms and their suitability for the implementation of circular economy open badges.

During the implementation phase, the scope and levels of circular economy open badges will be decided, and competence-based contents will be produced. The badge constellation is piloted in the construction, chemical and technology industries. The results of the pilot will provide information on the current state of circular economy competences and experience on how the open badges work in identifying and making visible circular economy competences.

Project partners and duration

The project is carried out by AFRY, Turku University of Applied Sciences and TIEKE. 

The project implementation period is from November 2023 to October 2024.

Funded by

NextGeneration EU

Contact information

AFRY, Katri Luoma-aho,, +358 40 030 0174
TIEKE, Merja Sjöblom