Together on the net – hybrid teaching from a study circle approach

Together on the net – hybrid teaching from a study circle approach

Together on the net offers professional training courses on hybrid learning as a teaching method.

Funded by the Finnish National Agency for Education, the project courses were aimed at Finnish teaching professionals working in either comprehensive education, secondary education or non-formal adult education. The project was coordinated by The Association of Finnish eLearning Centre, TIEKE being one of the project partners.

Because of the corona virus pandemic, teachers have had to innovate novel ways of mixing remote learning and classroom based learning. The objective of this personnel training project was to increases the the pedagogical competence of teachers in hybrid teaching. The actual project has ended, but the materials have been published for open use.

The modules of the training focus on the fundamentals of successful hybrid teaching, data security and data privacy training, accessibility in hybrid education and the psychological effects in increased technology in education. TIEKE was especially involved in the development and training on the module of data security and data privacy.

The traning materials in Finnish have been published for independent study on the project website and in the Library of Open Educational Resources .