Competitive Skills Open Badges offer a comprehensive model for recognising digital skills.
The badge constellation contains five levels to recognise digital skills. The badges are aimed at students, teachers and educators, working life, non-formal adult education personnel and customers or any citizen. The five levels are equivalent to levels of competence in vocational education – from satisfactory to excellent.
The badge constellation contains ten badges and five milestone badges. A milestone badge is earned after all level specific badges and previous level milestone badges are completed. All badges are issued via badge applications.

Demonstration of skills
The competence of all ten badges is demonstrated with badge applications. Familiarize yourself with the contents and badges of each level: Basic skills, Digital skills, Collaborator, Utiliser and Convergent thinker.
Content is based on several frameworks
In creation of badges different frameworks were benchmarked and the project team co-operated with the Finnish National Agency for Education.
The most important frameworks:
- eRequirements – especially vocational education, especially Action in digital environments
- DigComp – European digital competence framework for citizens
Nationwide open badge constellation
The nationwide open badge constellation has been developed in the Competitive Skills project (Osuvat Taidot, from 2019 to 2021) funded by the European Social Fund.