Tag: digital skills

Digital competences
LogDigiS project promotes digital skills for in-house logistics SMEs
Digital competences

LogDigiS project promotes digital skills for in-house logistics SMEs

In-house logistics is present wherever goods move or trade takes place. As the sector is digitalising and automating at a rapid pace, there is an urgent need for skills development for staff, supervisors, and management to become more digitally literate. In the recently launched LogDigiS project of TIEKE and LAB University of Applied Sciences, we promote digital skills, work well-being and productivity of small enterprises in the field of in-house logistics in the digital transformation.

Project outputs

On this page you will find information and links to the results and outputs of the EDIFY-EDU project.

Digiagents, growth mentors for SMEs

Digiagents, growth mentors for SMEs

The Finnish Information Society Development Centre (TIEKE) coordinated the Digiagent project in 2022-2023. The project gave small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) access to a digital agent or mentor, who assisted them in developing their operations.

Digital competences
Enhancing Digital Skills for Teaching Staff: The Digi Teachers Working Online Project
Digital competences

Enhancing Digital Skills for Teaching Staff: The Digi Teachers Working Online Project

The Digi Teachers project is a collaborative effort between several European organizations, dedicated to training teachers of students with special needs. The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting shift to online education highlighted the urgent need for special education staff to enhance their digital skills. With DigCompEdu as a point of reference, the project responds to the challenge by developing a syllabus, a training course and a toolkit for teachers.

Hanna Vuohelainen
Digitally skilled businesses and communities in Central Finland

Digitally skilled businesses and communities in Central Finland

The DiyKS project promotes digital competences among micro and small enterprises (SMEs), associations, and various communities operating in Central Finland.

Digital competences
The EDIFY-EDU project is devising an open learning environment fostering EDI competencies
Digital competences

The EDIFY-EDU project is devising an open learning environment fostering EDI competencies

The EDIFY-EDU project responds to shifting work life needs by developing equality, diversity, and inclusion competences of business managers and management students. An online seminar in September showcases good practices from various European countries and addresses future competence needs.

Hanna Vuohelainen
Digital competences
Five tips for parents: How to build your child’s awareness and understanding of data protection
Digital competences

Five tips for parents: How to build your child’s awareness and understanding of data protection

Children do not pick up data protection awareness and skills by themselves. In addition to early childhood education and care, schools and other entities that deal with and serve children, parents also have a major role in building awareness and competence in their children.

Oona Ojajärvi
Digital skills
Parents supporting the data protection of children and young people – initial survey charted competence, concerns and attitudes
Digital skills

Parents supporting the data protection of children and young people – initial survey charted competence, concerns and attitudes

The initial survey for the GDPR4CHLDRN – Ensuring data protection in hobbies project was carried out in November and December 2022. The survey charted the data protection competence and attitudes to personal data processing of children and young people aged 13–17, their parents and the clubs and associations that organise leisure and hobby activities. The survey also sought to identify the data protection issues for which the target groups especially wanted support from the project.

Mikko Eloholma
GDPR4CHLDRN – Ensuring data protection in hobbies

GDPR4CHLDRN – Ensuring data protection in hobbies

The GDPR4CHLDRN project provides information about the protection of personal data and data protection rights to children, young people and their parents. Materials targeted at them as well as icons that clarify concepts related to data protection will be developed in the project. In addition, a toolkit to support compliance with data protection legislation and its application will be created for associations and hobby clubs that organise hobby activities for children and young people.



The project addresses the skills gap of Management education with regards to competencies on equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). The project will facilitate skills for management students and managers in medium-sized companies, to respond to the societal transformation by setting up a system for skill assessment, learning offer and validation and recognition.

Digi Teachers Working Online

Digi Teachers Working Online

The Digi Teachers project helps VET teaching staff improve their digital skills and competences with a strong link to pedagogy. Teachers enhance their capacity to implement online education, support their students’ digital skills and network with European colleagues engaged in special education.

Data protection awareness for young people through influencer collaborations

Data protection awareness for young people through influencer collaborations

The My Data Secured – raising youth awareness of their EU-ratified rights project helped 14 to 21-year-olds and youth workers to keep their data secure.

Mikko Eloholma
Micros, macros and digital badges: skills for working life

Micros, macros and digital badges: skills for working life

Recognition of prior learning in Finland is being developed as part of a parliamentary reform of continuous learning. Finns have solid experience in competence-based education thanks to reforms already carried out, but the work is by no means complete.

Sanna Brauerin muotokuva
Sanna Brauer
Digital processes
Can Europe become a model continent for human-centric Internet?
Digital processes

Can Europe become a model continent for human-centric Internet?

The EU and UK are promoting a European approach for digitalisation together

Kuvassa Paula Launonen
Paula Launonen
Open badges for digital skills

Open badges for digital skills

Competitive Skills Open Badges offer a comprehensive model for recognising digital skills. The badge constellation…