Tag: digitalisation

Digital competences
Identifying digital capability: the first step to competitive logistics
Digital competences

Identifying digital capability: the first step to competitive logistics

The competitiveness of the logistics sector increasingly depends on the use of data and digitalisation. It is vital for businesses to identify their digital capabilities and use the right technology to keep pace with competitors and legislation. TIEKE can help logistics companies improve their digital skills, increase efficiency and ensure wellbeing at work.

Viestintätoimisto Aivela
TIEKE helps enable an eco-friendlier future for ICT

TIEKE helps enable an eco-friendlier future for ICT

In the ICT sector, sustainability is becoming increasingly important. The Finnish Information Society Development Centre (TIEKE) has been contributing to this development for a long time, and has created a wide range of tools for companies and other actors to use in making their operations more environmentally friendly. These are all provided in the Green ICT portal, and the new Visiiri project also brings together long experience and the latest expertise, deepening it further.

Viestintätoimisto Aivela
Digital competences
Let the world know: Open badges for digital skills make expertise visible
Digital competences

Let the world know: Open badges for digital skills make expertise visible

With the rapid pace of technological development, continuous learning and updating of skills are essential. The nationwide digital skills badge constellation maintained by TIEKE Finnish Information Society Development Centre is a practical means of identifying and articulating digital skills. The constellation helps individuals to plan their careers, and companies to identify their staff’s skills.

Viestintätoimisto Aivela
Digital competences
Improving SMEs’ Digital Skills Together with Business Advisors
Digital competences

Improving SMEs’ Digital Skills Together with Business Advisors

A joint project between TIEKE and business advisory organisations, the Digital Business Advisory project, is developing both the digital skills of SMEs and the capacity of business advisors to advise companies on their digital development journey. The project will produce a nationwide advisory model that will significantly improve the access of businesses to digital advice tailored to their needs.

LogDigiS, Digital Competences, Work Well-being and Productivity for SMEs in In-house Logistics

LogDigiS, Digital Competences, Work Well-being and Productivity for SMEs in In-house Logistics

The LogDigiS project promotes digital skills, work well-being and productivity in in-house logistics SMEs in the digital transformation. As the in-house logistics sector is digitalising and automating at a rapid pace, there is an urgent need for skills development for staff, supervisors and management to become more digitally literate.

Digital competences
LogDigiS project promotes digital skills for in-house logistics SMEs
Digital competences

LogDigiS project promotes digital skills for in-house logistics SMEs

In-house logistics is present wherever goods move or trade takes place. As the sector is digitalising and automating at a rapid pace, there is an urgent need for skills development for staff, supervisors, and management to become more digitally literate. In the recently launched LogDigiS project of TIEKE and LAB University of Applied Sciences, we promote digital skills, work well-being and productivity of small enterprises in the field of in-house logistics in the digital transformation.

To introduce electronic invoicing

The implementation of electronic invoicing (e-invoicing) depends on the needs, goals, and size of an…

A wise digital society grows with a multidisciplinary and international approach

A wise digital society grows with a multidisciplinary and international approach

A former and current chairman of TIEKE’s Board of Directors see that international networks are what we need to most effectively build a competitive and people-oriented digital society.

Kuvassa Paula Launonen
Paula Launonen
Digital processes
TIEKE and Finland’s Ministry of Finance engage stakeholders to build national API policies
Digital processes

TIEKE and Finland’s Ministry of Finance engage stakeholders to build national API policies

The Ministry of Finance has chosen TIEKE as a partner in a government programme project to set national policies for the development of programming interfaces.

Sohvi Hellstenin muotokuva
Sohvi Hellsten
Digital skills
What is the role of NGOs in the digitalisation of rural areas?
Digital skills

What is the role of NGOs in the digitalisation of rural areas?

TIEKE and its partners have launched a project, NGOs Imparting Knowledge Economy in Rural Areas, to survey third sector organisations as users and promoters of digitalisation locally and regionally.

Hanna Vuohelainen
Digital processes
Information society — a familiar term with new challenges
Digital processes

Information society — a familiar term with new challenges

Alongside technological innovations, we need a strong vision on how to utilise developed technology in a manner in line with our shared values.

Hanna Niemi-Hugaerts
Digital processes
Digitalisation is leading us towards a cleaner future
Digital processes

Digitalisation is leading us towards a cleaner future

Artificial intelligence, data and high-speed networks are needed for making the circular economy a reality, for carbon balance monitoring, for the implementation of low-emission transport, work and housing, and for supporting climate action by citizens. At the same time, however, the environmental load of digitalisation must be reduced.

Kuvassa Paula Launonen
Paula Launonen
Digital processes
Energy consumption in data transfer is a core issue in solving the climate challenge
Digital processes

Energy consumption in data transfer is a core issue in solving the climate challenge

The world’s data centres generate as much CO2 as air traffic. Transferring waste heat to the district heating network is a partial solution – many other measures are also needed.

Kuvassa Paula Launonen
Paula Launonen
Competence-Based Learning in Non-Formal Adult Education

Competence-Based Learning in Non-Formal Adult Education

This training project aids the participant to understand the meaning of strategic planning in competence-based learning.

The Digitalisation in Non-profit Organisations survey

The Digitalisation in Non-profit Organisations survey

The annual survey examines the status of Finnish non-profit organisations in the areas of digitalisation, communication and the use of social media.