Tag: The Green ICT ecosystem

TIEKE helps enable an eco-friendlier future for ICT

TIEKE helps enable an eco-friendlier future for ICT

In the ICT sector, sustainability is becoming increasingly important. The Finnish Information Society Development Centre (TIEKE) has been contributing to this development for a long time, and has created a wide range of tools for companies and other actors to use in making their operations more environmentally friendly. These are all provided in the Green ICT portal, and the new Visiiri project also brings together long experience and the latest expertise, deepening it further.

Viestintätoimisto Aivela
Green ICT Visiiri boosts sustainable development in Finland’s ICT sector

Green ICT Visiiri boosts sustainable development in Finland’s ICT sector

Energy consumption in ICT is growing faster than in any other sector, and there is a need for more debate on the sector’s climate and environmental impact, how to measure it and how to save energy. To this end, the Green ICT Visiiri project will expand the previously established Green ICT ecosystem in the Uusimaa region into a national ecosystem. Companies throughout Finland can now get involved in and benefit from this development! Increased energy efficiency has many positive effects, both on the climate and on a company’s operations.

Viestintätoimisto Aivela
An eco-friendly future from electronics waste: producing and using eco-friendlier technology with the help of the Green ICT ecosystem

An eco-friendly future from electronics waste: producing and using eco-friendlier technology with the help of the Green ICT ecosystem

“Green technology” is no longer an empty catchphrase, as a new EU directive will require companies to assess and report on the emissions they produce. Recycling also plays a key role in the technology sector. A staggering 53.6 million tonnes of technological waste is generated every year, outweighing the Great Wall of China.

Viestintätoimisto Aivela
Visiiri – National ecosystem for Green ICT transition

Visiiri – National ecosystem for Green ICT transition

The Green ICT Visiiri project creates an overview of the impact of the Finnish ICT sector on climate and the environment. The project supports the green transition of the ICT sector by connecting the sector’s actors in a national ecosystem. The project will develop methods to measure the environmental impact of the ICT sector and produce environmental awareness training materials for companies.