Virtual seminar: How can we improve adult basic skills in Europe?
Digital skills

Virtual seminar: How can we improve adult basic skills in Europe?

This is the question we will address during a two day virtual seminar on 18-19 May 2020, and you are all invited. Highlights of the day include a workshop about hugely successful “Elements of AI” –course.

Day 1 is focusing on the situation in Finland, and the working language will be Finnish.

Tuesday: 10.00 – 15.35 CET

Day 2 expands to include the rest of Europe, and we will change the working language to English. Highlights of the day include a workshop about hugely successful “Elements of AI” –course with over 370 000 participants in 170 countries (more info: ) and how to do something similar around basic skills. We will also identify the essential basic skills in the 2020´s.

This virtual seminar is modular. You are free to join for the full two days, or for any of the individual sessions according to your interest. We offer a number of keynote presentations and a total of 6 workshops over the two days, plus ample time for networking and discussions. Our aim is to offer you a unique opportunity to learn and to share your experiences and thoughts regarding the many aspects of improving adult basic skills in Europe. 

All registered participants will get a link to the event, a password and some instructions a few days before the seminar. Deadline for registration is May 14 at 5 PM.

What are the most important basic skills in the 2020s?

Here is a list of possible skills, have a look, vote for the ones you find most important, and feel free to suggest your own important basic skill!

On behalf of the organisers we hope to see you all virtually in May!

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