Experiencies from DigiTeachers´ piloting
Digital competences

Experiencies from DigiTeachers´ piloting

DigiTeachers working online project has been a significant initiative aimed at enhancing digital competencies among educators. One of the important outcomes of this project has been the piloting phase, which served as a practical test to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed digital training modules.

The piloting phase involved four organizations: Live Foundation (Finland), Esment Fundación (Spain), Arbeit und Bildung (Germany) and OPEN group (Italy). Each organization selected participants from their teaching staff. These participants varied in their levels of digital competence, ensuring a diverse range of experiences and feedback. Each piloting group underwent a structured process that included both in-person feedback sessions and online meetings. This blended approach facilitated comprehensive learning and adaptation to digital tools.

Participants completed three training modules tailored to improving their digital skills. Successful completion of these modules was recognized with the awarding of open badges, providing an incentive for continuous learning and achievement.

Objectives for the piloting

The piloting phase had several ambitious objectives: 

  • Enhance Digital Skills: Improve the digital skills and competencies of staff within the participating organizations.
  • Quality of Online Teaching: Elevate the quality of online teaching through better digital practices.
  • Blended Learning Methods: Enable teaching staff to utilize blended learning methods effectively.
  • Individual Learning Paths: Empower educators to build individual learning paths for their students.
  • Sharing Best Practices: Facilitate the sharing of good practices, methods, and tools among organizations, especially when working with individuals with special needs, thereby creating a robust network.
  • Validation Through Open Badges: Validate the learning achievements of participants through open badges, encouraging other organizations to adopt similar validation methods.

Feedback from the participants

Feedback from the teachers involved in the piloting phase has been positive and insightful. Here are some key takeaways: 

  • Presentation of Information: Participants emphasized the importance of presenting information in the most accessible and understandable way.
  • Motivation: The pilot was described as highly motivating, with participants eager to learn and engage.
  • New Applications: Exposure to new digital applications was a significant benefit.
  • Learning from Mistakes: Educators appreciated the understanding that mistakes are part of the learning process and that help is always available.
  • Inspirational Discussions: Discussing new tools and their uses with peers was found to be inspiring.
  • Professional Sharing: The opportunity to share experiences and insights with other professionals was highly valued.
  • Adapting Digital Tools: Understanding how to adapt digital tools to their specific work contexts was a major highlight.
  • Correct Platform Usage: Learning to use various platforms correctly was deemed crucial.
  • Empowerment and Reflection: The pilot empowered participants to reflect on their targets and possibilities, enhancing their overall teaching strategies.


The pilot phase of the DigiTeachers working online project has demonstrated significant success in achieving its goals. By enhancing digital competencies, improving the quality of online teaching, and fostering a collaborative network among educators, the project has laid a solid foundation for future digital education initiatives. The positive feedback from participants underscores the value of such projects in empowering educators and advancing educational practices through digital means. ‘

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