In the Digi Teachers piloting training, European teachers are being provided with digital skills and tools for teaching
Digital competences

In the Digi Teachers piloting training, European teachers are being provided with digital skills and tools for teaching

Digi Teachers Working Online project has progressed to the piloting phase, and the first version of the website has been published. In a five-country Erasmus+ collaboration project, the aim is to enhance the capabilities of teachers and instructors working with learners with special needs to implement online and hybrid teaching.

The ongoing training pilot involves teachers from Finland, Germany, Italy, and Spain. A shared learning platform enables peer learning with colleagues from different countries, while country-specific implementations allow for the utilization of existing applications in partner organizations and taking different target groups into consideration. The project partners’ clients include vocational students, individuals with developmental disabilities, as well as young and adult participants in rehabilitative work activities.

Based on country-specific surveys and the DigCompEdu framework, TIEKE has played a central role in defining a common curriculum and learning objectives, as well as verifying competencies with digital open badges.

All outputs will be compiled and made available on a website, with the first version already containing curriculum, training materials, evaluation tasks, tool descriptions, and additional information on digital badges. The contents of the pages are produced in English, with automatic translation used for language versions so far. Work on the website and toolkit will continue into autumn 2024.

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