
With our wide range of products and services, TIEKE helps people and companies keep up to date with the constantly evolving digital world and the opportunities it presents. Our services are divided in two: powering digital operations and improving digital competence within society. 

Building a tech-savvy society with digital skills and business services

We offer a comprehensive range of services to enhance your organisation’s operations through digital innovation and collaboration. We provide platforms such as collaboration forums and an e-invoice address depository to optimise digital workflows and combat the bottlenecks of the digital world. Our efforts also focus on standardising digital skills for efficient evaluation and training, enabling better collaboration across sectors including education, government, and research.

Additionally, we recognise the importance of digital competence in today’s society and offer certification programs to equip individuals and organisations with the necessary digital skills for both professional and personal growth. Our Open Badges for Digital Skills assess practical technological abilities, with examinations available in English, Finnish, and Swedish. We continually develop new services to help organisations stay ahead in technology, participating in a variety of events and projects, including EU-funded initiatives.