Sustainable and Future-proof Tech at Mindtrek 2023

Sustainable and Future-proof Tech at Mindtrek 2023

Get ready to embrace future-proof digitalization that takes into account climate, environment, legislation, and ethics! The Sustainable and Future-proof Tech program at Mindtrek Conference 2023 in Tampere, provided expertise and insights into these critical considerations. In this blog post, we'll give you a glimpse of the program, and encourage to explore the recorded sessions to dive deeper into the topics.

Holistic Approach to Future-proof Tech

TIEKE’s executive director Hanna Niemi-Hugaerts kicked off the program of the entire Sustainable and Future-proof Tech track. She emphasized the wide range of factors from climate concerns to ethical considerations that tech professionals and utilizers must consider ensuring that technology will benefit our future in a responsible way.

Green ICT: Building a Sustainable Future

The first session delved into Green ICT, exploring national strategy and how to develop, procure, and compare sustainable ICT solutions. With climate change at the forefront of global discussions, understanding how technology can be environmentally responsible is crucial.

Data and Digitalization Regulation: Staying Informed

The second session, conducted in Finnish, focused on current and upcoming data and digitalization regulations. In an ever-evolving digital transformation, staying informed about the legal framework is essential for both businesses and individuals.

Data and AI Ethics: Navigating the Ethical Landscape

The third session posed the essential question of data and AI ethics. As the manyfold use of data and artificial intelligence play an increasingly prominent role in our lives, understanding the ethical viewpoints and implications is vital.

Whether you are seasoned or new to Green ICT, data ethics or regulation we encourage you to check out the recorded sessions on TIEKE’s YouTube channel to gain new insights of sustainable and future-proof tech. The program can be found on the MindTrek 2023 website.

The Sustainable and Future-proof Tech program in Mindtrek was organized by TIEKE in co-operation with Mindtrek and Coss.

We warmly thank all the dedicated speakers who shared their knowledge and insights during this event!

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