Let’s make competence-based learning a reality
In this training participants develop their educational institute towards a competence-based method. During the training both management, administration and teaching staff are taken into account.

Together on the net – hybrid teaching from a study circle approach
Together on the net offers professional training courses on hybrid learning as a teaching method.

Competence-based learning and skills assessment
This five-module training project gave the participants expert-level skills to plan and execute competence-based courses and evaluate the students´ competences.

Let’s Get Data Moving in Finland – stakeholder engagement for national API-policy
TIEKE supported The Ministry of Finance in 2021 in engaging a wide variety of stakeholders to work on a national policy of API standards and usage.

NGOs Imparting Knowledge Economy in Rural Areas
This project investigated how third sector organisations utilise and advance digitalisation locally and regionally.

GDPR2DSM – Data Protection for SMEs
We provide smaller businesses with information and tools to bring their data security practices in line with the General Data Protection Regulation.

Accessibility Data in Logistics
In this project we eradicated delays in the “last metre stage” of commercial deliveries, combining silent city knowledge of drivers with delivery address information.

My Data Secured Project
The project supported 14 to 22-year olds in understanding personal data privacy and how to access online services in a secure manner.

The DigiStar project promoted the digitalisation of tourism and restaurant sector SMEs and strengthened their digital competences.

Competence-Based Learning in Non-Formal Adult Education
This training project aids the participant to understand the meaning of strategic planning in competence-based learning.

Competitive Skills
The aim of the project is to develop a nationwide open badge constellation, which enables the verification of adults’ problem solving skills in technology-rich environments.

DiKATA – Digital skills for everybody
The DiKATA project aims to give everyone access to learning adequate digital skills. TIEKE´s role…

Digitalising Non-Formal Adult Education
In this project, we renewed procedures in non-formal adult education through digitalisation.

DigiPort project brought digitalisation and open data to ports
The DigiPort venture aimed to improve effectiveness and create new business opportunities for ports via…

DigiGain project – help SMEs get the most out of IT solutions
The DigiGain project enhancedthe digital skills of SMEs and promoted collaboration between companies.

InPromptu – Support for Digital Skills
The InPromptu project promotes the development of basic information and communication technology skills people need in an information society.