Information about the e-invoice address service

This quick guide offers information for current and prospective users of the E-Invoice Address Registry.

E-invoice address service

The e-invoice address service contains the e-invoice addresses of Finnish organisations. Organisations refer here to entities that have a Finnish business ID. These include private companies, associations, housing companies, and public sector organisations. A prerequisite for an organisation to be added to the e-invoice address service, is it first appearing in the Finnish Business Information System (BIS).

Adding, updating, and removing e-invoice addresses

Adding an e-invoice address to the e-invoice address service

E-invoice addresses do not appear in the e-invoice address service automatically. When organisations have made an agreement to send or receive e-invoices with an e-invoice intermediary, the intermediary adds the organisation’s e-invoice address to the address service.

When an organisation’s details are added to the e-invoice address service, the e-invoice address service automatically checks the organisation’s name and business ID against the Business and Organization Information System, i.e., BIS. BIS is a public service maintained by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office and the Tax Administration.

How can companies update their own information?

E-invoice intermediarys update the organization’s information in address service, not individual companies. The company must first notify the e-invoice intermediary of necessary changes. The quickest way to do this is by clicking the Request to Fix button next to the e-invoice address in the registry. This opens a form where you can enter your requests. The form information in received directly by your e-invoice intermediary.

Removing an e-invoice address

E-invoice intermediarys remove a company’s e-invoice address from the address service when necessary. The e-invoice address is removed when the agreement to transmit the e-invoice ends between the company and the intermediary.

Multiple e-invoice addresses under the same business ID and their order

Your organisation may have one or more e-invoice addresses under the same business ID.

For example, an organisation may have its own e-invoice addresses for different locations or functions. Organizations can give the address any name they want, such as “property taxes”, “Helsinki office”, or “transport invoices”.

The e-invoice addresses related to the same business ID, i.e., the organisation, are arranged as follows (if the address has not been given primary address status):

  • Alphabetised by the name given to the e-invoice address
  • By the type of address identifier, OVT, IBAN, etc. (only e-invoice intermediaries see this identifier)
  • By the e-invoice address, e.g., 003712345671
  • By the operator’s intermediary code, if the organization has the same e-invoice address with several operators.

Primary address

If a company has several receiving e-invoice addresses in the e-invoice address service with the same business ID, all of which have the same OVT code but different intermediaries (operator or bank), it is possible to mark one address as primary in the e-invoice address service. This entails that this address is raised first in the listing and marked as the main address.

Secret e-invoicing address

If an e-invoice address is marked as secret, the address will not be visible to others in the address registry. Intermediaries do forward e-invoices to secret addresses.

Searching for information in the e-invoice address service

You can search for information about organisations in the e-invoice address service:

  • By the name of the organisation
  • By the name of the e-invoice address
  • By the e-invoice address
  • By the business ID

What information about organisations can be found in the e-invoice address service

The e-invoice address service contains information that is necessary for sending e-invoices of organizations.

  • Name of the organisation
  • Business ID of the organisation
  • E-invoice address
  • Intermediary Service ID

In the e-invoice address service, an organisation can attach additional information if the organisation so wishes. E-invoice intermediarys tend not ti automatically add this information to the organisation’s information. Such information includes:

  • Address information of the organisation (4 address lines + postal code + post office + country)
  • Website address of the organisation
  • Contacts of the organisation:
    • Role (support / technical / business / other)
    • Name
    • Phone number
    • Email address

    What is an e-invoice intermediary?

    An e-invoice intermediary is a service provoder (bank or i-invoice operator) that transmits e-invoices between sender and recipient.