The EDIFY-EDU project is devising an open learning environment fostering EDI competencies
Digital competences

The EDIFY-EDU project is devising an open learning environment fostering EDI competencies

The EDIFY-EDU project responds to shifting work life needs by developing equality, diversity, and inclusion competences of business managers and management students. An online seminar in September showcases good practices from various European countries and addresses future competence needs.

What competencies should management education enhance in the field of equality, diversity and inclusion? What is the current state in Europe and is there a skills gap?

The research phase of the EDIFY-EDU project has actively sought answers to these questions during the initial months of the project.

European project partners have analysed the visibility of EDI themes in management education in different countries.  As part of the study, the project also organised workshops focusing on co-exploring the training needs and blind spots of EDI competences in management.

To get a further overview of existing good practices and development areas, we have conducted video interviews on EDI themes in five European countries. The videos can be viewed on the project’s YouTube-channel.

International online seminar on EDI in September – Save the date!

The next step will be an international online seminar on 13th September 2023, 13-15.30 (EEST)

Skills for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. 
Requirements for a fairer, more diverse and inclusive labour market

Preliminary programme:

  • Introduction to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Business Management Education and training
  • Project findings on EDI competencies across five European countries 
  • European research perspective on skills gaps in equality, diversity and inclusion: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working conditions 
  • European perspective on EDI, pay transparency directive: European Parliament
  • Challenges and solutions in EDI competencies – EDI competence gaps, training needs and best practices
  • The way forward 

The seminar is open to everyone interested in EDI themes in business management and business management education and training.

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